Learn Java - Part 1

What is Java ???? 

Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Yes i  want to learn Java What Should i Do?? 

Good if you are interested in learning java. first of all you must need to have a java environment to test and run your codes. So that you are require to establish such a environment around you. If you are very new for programming you may not heard of term called JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

Yes i`m new to Java and new to Programming tell me what the hell is that?? :O 

Yeah ok i`ll explain you. Java is a platform independent language. that means  p
rograms that written in Java are interpreted by Java itself, which is installed a platform. The language is platform-independent because programs written in it will work on any computer that has Java installed on it, regardless of operating system. To establish such environment we need to install the java to what ever the plat form that we are in. That facility will be provided by the JVM once you download and install it in to your machine.

Where can i download JVM??

You can download JVM from here : Download Link to JVM

I have download and installed the java. What i have to do now?

Hmm.. well now you are ready to code java programs. Here i`m going to tell you how to write java programs using Netbeans IDE. 

What is that mean by 'Netbeans IDE'

Netbeans is a software which provides you better coding facilities for your programs.
IDE stands for 'Integrated Development Environment'

That means that Netbeans Software provide us a Development Environment to Develop our Java Programs.

You can download and install Netbeans Here : Download Link to Netbeans

Ok now i`m pretty sure that you are equipped with latest JVM and the Netbeans Software.

Lets Start Our Java Learning Part Form Next Post. 


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